Fine Natural Art, Minerals, Crystals, Meteorites & Fossils from every corner of Planet Earth and beyond...
I created Journey of Discovery Store, to be able to use my knowledge, experience, and expertise to carefully hand-select a Fine Natural Art, Object & Specimen collection of pieces curated from the finest sources and suppliers on the planet. I am constantly working hard to find and acquire new, rare, and intriguing pieces to add to my collection and store, in the hopes of optimizing your Natural Art & Object experience. I spend my time learning and searching and curating, in order to find material of the highest quality and collectibility, so that I may help you add to your own collection. Currently specializing in minerals and fossils from Madagascar and Morocco. Please, explore to your heart's desire, learn about my material, imagine finding yourself far away, hopefully make some new discoveries, and explore a world of infinite wonder. Let me help to teach you about my passion and help to make my passion yours. Join me, on this Journey of Discovery...
Currently, the collection is comprised of minerals from The Island of Madagascar off of the Southeast Coast of Africa, and The Kingdom of Morocco, in Northwest Africa bordering The Atlantic Ocean and The Mediterranean Sea. This collection will be added to regularly- keep an eye out for new additions!
Fine marine life fossil specimens from Madagascar and Morocco, predominantly from the Devonian (416-358 million years ago) and Cretaceous (145-66 millions years ago) eras.
Art & Collectibles
We offer an array of Fine Art from all over the planet. Specializing in Wildlife Art, Inuit Art, Abstract Art, Paintings, Sculptures, and Collectibles.